Erasmus Mundus Partnership Asia-Europe
Erasmus Mundus Programme
Guidelines for application
- First of all, candidates must consult the list of courses offered by the INTERWEAVE partner institutions.
- Then, fill out the application form
- Upload the following documents depending on your level of mobility (Master level is not open for the second call for applications)
Only complete applications will be eligible : all mandatory fields of the application form must be filled out and all required documents (depending on your mobility type and target group) must be uploaded. If any mandatory document is missing, the application will not be eligible.
Application Form
Application - Word version (.doc)
This form is designed to be an easy and simple way to prepare your application, allowing you to progressively introduce the details and information required.
You must start your application form by setting your USER name and your PASSWORD. From the beginning, you have to choose the type of scholarship for which you want to receive the support of the Programme.
The Application Form should be filled in English.
If an applicant submits more than one application, the system will automatically consider the most recent one.
Note: All documents must be accompanied by a translation into English or the working language at the host university. At early stages of application, non-certified translations are acceptable. Selected candidates, however, will have to provide an official certified translation into English or the working language at the host university of the most relevant documents (transcripts, degree, etc.)
Who can apply?
In order to be eligible to apply to a INTERWEAVE scholarship, applicants need to fulfill a set of minimum requirements.
General criteria for all types of mobility:
- Undergraduates, Master, doctorate and post-doctorate
- European students
- Must be a national of one of the eligible European countries;
- For Target Group 1 (TGI): students need to be registered at one of the European countries HEIs within the partnership at the time of submitting their application to the partnership. Undergraduate students must have successfully completed at least one year of studies in their home institution;
- For Target Group 2 (TGII): students need either to be registered in a HEI (not included in the partnership) of any European country or to have obtained a university degree or equivalent from a HEI of any European country;
- Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
- Undergraduate students must have successfully completed at least one year of studies at first higher education level.
- Must be a national of one of the eligible European countries;
- Third-country students
- Must be a national of one of the third- countries covered by the relevant lot (lot 11 : Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, China, North Korea);
- Must have not resided nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the eligible European countries at the time of submitting their application to the partnership. This rule does not apply to TGIII candidates;
- For Target Group 1 (TGI): students need to be registered at one of the third-country HEIs within the partnership at the time of submitting their application to the partnership. Undergraduate students must have successfully completed at least one year of studies in their home institution;
- For Target Group 2 (TGII): students need either to be registered in a HEI (not included in the partnership) of the third-country concerned by the lot or to have obtained a university degree or equivalent from a HEI of these third-countries;
- For Target Group 3 (TGIII): students need to be nationals of one of the third-countries concerned by the lot and be part of the vulnerable target groups;
- Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries.
- Must have NOT benefited from a previous scholarship for the same type of mobility under a project under the EMA2-STRAND1.
In order to be eligible, the study period abroad must be considered as an integral part of the study programme at home university and must not lead to any extension of the normal period of the curriculum at the home institution. An exchange mobility occurring after the obtaining of the diploma is not eligible. The student must be registered at his home university during all the period of exchange mobility. The credits obtained during the exchange mobility are recognized by the home HEI as a part of the student’s curriculum.
- Must be a national of one of the third- countries covered by the relevant lot (lot 11 : Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, China, North Korea);
- European students
- Academic and administative staff
- Must be a national of one of the eligible countries from the lot (Europe, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, China, North Korea);
- For Target Group 1 (TGI): Third-country staff must work in or be associated to one of the third-country HEIs participating in the partnership. EU staff must work in or be associated to one of the EU HEIs participating in the partnership;
- For Target Group 2 (TGII): Third-country staff must work in or be associated to a HEI (not included in the partnership) of any third-country concerned by the lot. EU staff must work in or be associated to a HEI (not included in the partnership) of any European country.
The mobility assignments must be based on partnership agreements between the members of the partnership.
The home and host universities and the individual staff must agree on the programme of lectures to be delivered by the visiting staff, on the research activities or on the type of training to be followed
- Must be a national of one of the eligible countries from the lot (Europe, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, China, North Korea);
Definition of Target Group
Depending on their characteristics, all applicants fit in one of the three Target Groups established by the European Commission Programme. Each of the Target Groups has different types of mobility scholarship available.
- Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geographical lot who are registered/work in one of the third-country HEIs that is a member of the partnership.
- National of European countries who are registered/work in one of the European HEIs that is member of the partnership
- Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geographical lot, who:
- Are registered/work in a higher education institution o these countries that is not included in the partnership (students and staff);
- Have obtained a university degree or equivalent by an institution of these countries (students only)
- Nationals of European countries who:
- Are either registered/work in a HEI (not included in the partnership) of any European country (students and staff);
- Have obtained a university degree or equivalent by a HEI of any European country (students only)
- Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geographical lot who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons. For example:
- Having a refugee status or asylum beneficiaries (international or according to the national legislation of one of the European recipient countries) or
- It can be proved that they have been the object of unjustified expulsion from university on racial ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual inclination or
- They belong to an indigenous population targeted by a specific national policy or IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons)
Note: All documents must be accompanied by a translation into English or the working language at the host university. At early stages of application, non-certified translations are acceptable. Selected candidates, however, will have to provide an official certified translation into English or the working language at the host university of the most relevant documents (transcripts, degree, etc.)
Exchange mobility
Students applying for Undergraduate mobility (for 1 or 2 semesters) need to complete an additional document: the Learning Agreement.
PhD students applying for exchange mobility need to complete a Work Plan.
Why a Learning Agreement ?
Your mobility is part of your curricula and needs to be recognized by your institution. If you do 1 semester at the partner HEI, it will be recognized as 1 semester at your HEI. The Learning Agreement is the “contract” between you, your host and your home institutions to ensure this recognition.
What is a Learning Agreement?
It is a document which defines the courses followed by the student and the corresponding credits (such as ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) for most European HEIs). The home institution, the host institution and the student must agree and sign the learning agreement for it to be valid.
How to fill out the Learning Agreement ?
The applicant completes the details of the programme studies, that is to say : the list of subjects which he/she is planning to follow at the host institution, with the help of the local coordinator at his home instituion. In order to find these subjects and the corresponding credits, the student checks the web link provided in the details of the course chosen or writes to the contact person concerned.
Who signs the Learning Agreement ?
At the moment of the application, the document must be signed by the applicant as well as the local coordinator of the home institution (TG1), or the academic responsible (TG2).
If the student is selected, the final version of the Learning Agreement is brought by the student at the host institution. After discussion with the academic coordinator at the host institution, the document is modified if necessary. Once all three parties agree (student, home institution, host institution) the final version of the document is signed by all.
What is a credit?
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education. It is a student-centred system based on the student workload required, the objectives preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes, competences to be acquired and hours of study. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits.
What is the procedure for credit transfer?
In the end of the student's mobility, the home institution will naturally acknowledge the validity of the hosting institution’s credits. Then via the Credit Transfer Collaborative Committee the Coordination Institution (Ecole Centale Nantes) will make sure that all credits have been formally recognized, case by case.
What is a Work Plan ?
It is a document which defines the training/teaching/research activities which will be followed by the PhD student at the host institution.
How to fill out the Work Plan ?
The applicant completes it (with the agreement of his home academic responsible for mobility only), sends it to the contact person concerned by the course he/she is applying for. If the contact person agrees, he/she will sign the document. If the student is applying for mobility, the work plan is to be signed by the academic responsible at the home institution as well. The applicant can then upload the document in his/her application form.
If the PhD student is selected, he/she brings the work plan to the host institution.
- Eligibility: Your application will be eligible only if:
- You comply with the eligibility criteria of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme
- All mandatory fields of the application form are complete
- All required documents (depending on your target group and level) are uploaded
- The language certificate matches the language requirements of the offer(s) chosen
- You comply with the eligibility criteria of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme
- Criteria: the following criteria will be graded for all levels:
Relevance of the academic background /
Academic level and meritLearning Agreement/ Work Plan Proposal/ Recommendation letter CV/Working experience Motivation TOTAL 0-50 0-20 0-15 0-15 0-100
- Once the call for applications is closed,
- the eligible applications will be assessed, graded and ranked by the host universities.
- the selection committee will then issue three lists (based on the evaluations performed by the host institutions and according to the established distribution of mobility flows)
- An accepted list
- A waiting list
- A rejected list
- the eligible applications will be assessed, graded and ranked by the host universities.
Please note that female applicants are encouraged; disabilities are taken into account.